Saturday, April 15, 2017

Stopped in Time

Carols Apple Tarts


 Stopping Time....

It's a tricky business this thing called 'time'.
We want more, we struggle to 'manage' what we have, on Monday we wish it was Friday...but then what happens to the days in between?  Balance.
Coming Soon to the garden
Hundreds of research projects have been done to confirm what we have known all along.  
You've got to stop and 'smell the roses'.
Take a walk, visit friends, go to the woods, pack up your rod and creel, learn a language, take an art class, a yoga class....LAUGH, a lot!  
What's the point of sticking around if you spend every moment wishing for the next one. really is yours for the taking!

Happy Easter & Spring,

Sunday, April 2, 2017

The Shift to Spring

 Winter Camelia's & Spring Daffodils

Last night was a big one for our local high school students, the Senior Prom.  A fairly significant event for most High School seniors, the beginning of their final weeks of classes, exams and preparation for graduation ceremonies.  For those of us whose High School Days are a long ago memory, there is still significance in these spring 'rites of passage'.  Yet another harbinger of the change of seasons and the promise of what is to come here on the shore as we move towards the summer season.
This past week also marked the official close of The Oyster Harvest for the year.....the local watermen have already been working diligently to get the work boats ready for the spring crabbing season.  Restaurants that took a break for winter repairs (and much needed holiday by their staff!) are preparing to re-open.  
Chatter of upcoming spring and summer events is heavy, St. Michael's Wine Festival, 'Brew Fest' a fairly new event spot lighting our local micro brewery and many from around the region, The start of the Log Canoe racing season, St. Michael's Running Festival....the list goes on.

We will be sure to share details and web site links for the upcoming events for our readers to sure to check in with us for reservations for these events as they tend to go quickly!

Until then we wish each of you an amazing transition into spring!